Marc Nieson

Marc Nieson

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Author Archives: Marc Nieson

Marc Nieson is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and NYU Film School.  His background includes filmmaking, children’s theatre, building construction, and a season with a one-ring circus.  Excerpts from Schoolhouse: A Memoir in 13 Lessons have appeared in Literary Review, Iowa Review, Green Mountains Review, and Chautauqua.  Recent fiction is in Conjunctions, Hawk & Handsaw, the 2011 Wordstock Ten and Stripped anthologies.  His prose has earned two Pushcart Prize nominations and a Raymond Carver Short Story Award. His award-winning feature-length screenplays include Speed of Life, The Dream Catcher and Bottomland.  He serves on the faculty of Chatham University, and is working on a new novel, Houdini’s Heirs. Another prize winning story of Nieson's, "The Last Hours of Pompeii," can be read online at Carve Magazine.

Contributions by Marc Nieson